Capital market day 2022


PION Group's held it´s capital market day on Oct 25th, 2022: "The company is launching a new strategy where the group takes advantage of opportunities in a changing market and updates its financial goals" The company aims to achieve an annual growth of at least 20 percent and an EBITA margin of at least 5 percent until the year 2026.

PION Group's capital market day began with a presentation by the company's chairman of the board, Lars Kry, where he went through the new strategy for the company, which is based on three strategic areas: People, Strategy and Tech. This was followed by deep dives into each area with a selection of brands that exist within the segments today.

Given the new strategy, PION Group presented updated financial goals that reflect the company's ambitions going forward. The updated financial goals are:

  • Growth target - Annual growth of at least 20% including organic growth and acquisitions
  • Margin target - EBITA margin of at least 5 percent
  • Net debt target - Interest-bearing liabilities of a maximum of 2x EBITA depending on attractive acquisition opportunities
  • Dividend policy - The priority next year is to create value growth for the shareholders by self-financing good growth.

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